Every year, breast cancer impacts 1 in 8 women, causing stress, fear and worry for both patients as well as their families and friends. This statistic hits close to home, as two of our own Bar Raising Fitness trainers have mothers who battled this terrible disease.
All proceeds of the race and event will be donated to The Avery Foundation, out of Dubuque, Iowa. The Avery Foundation help patients and their families with the unexpected expenses of travel, meals and lodging during their treatments out of town or patients traveling into Dubuque for treatments.
Join us in the fight against breast cancer, by helping support our second annual PINK RUN N’ RALLY 5K & EVENT at Bar Raising Fitness!
The 5K Run/Walk will start at 11:30 AM. Prizes will be awarded to the top finisher in each age group. Sign up by October 3rd to receive a FREE long sleeve shirt.
Following the race we will have live music, a beer tent and free food, making it a great day for our community to come together.
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