Place: Meet at Marcus City Park/Swimming Pool – East side of Marcus Fairgrounds
Events: 5k run/walk and 1 mile run/walk (there are no divisions for the walk and no awards given for the 1 mile event)
Times: Registration/check in: starts at 7:00 am, ends 7:55 am
5k run/walk starts at 8:00 am; 1-mile run/walk starts at 8:05 am
Entry Fee: Early registration on or before July 22 is $25 per individual or $20 per individual if registering more than one person.
Registration July 23 to the day of the event is $25 per person. Shirts are not guaranteed for NON-PRE-REGISTERED
runners. We will have a few extra but once they are gone, they are gone.
Fruit and water will be provided for all participants.
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