Fitness Sports

Mental Health Reset with Running

Mental Health Reset with Running

My tip for this week is about a daily mental reset. Let go of the mindset that you can “make up” for a missed run or a bad run. And vice versa, there’s no reason to punish yourself when things go awry. The reality is, training won’t always be perfect! There will be bumps in the road, life events, illness…etc. While I always keep these things in mind when writing your training and adjust accordingly so you can maximize each day, life still happens! 
Each day I encourage you to wake up with a fresh mindset. Don’t let yesterday’s frustrations or disappointments impact today’s run! Start with a positive encouragement to yourself followed by a deep breath and a moment of mindfulness. Remember that each step, each mile, each run, and even each day is a fresh start!

If you are ever struggling with the mental roadblocks of running, please don’t hesitate to reach out and let me know. I’m happy to setup a quick call to talk through anything with you and be an encouragement to you!

I hope you have a great week! With some wildly varying temperatures in the midwest and snow in some of your areas, please let me know if you’d like to make some adjustments to your normal schedule to account for these things.

Stay warm!
Coach Lindsey