When: Saturday, June 11, 2022 – Registration is at 7:30 am with an 8:00 am start!
Where: We will start and end at Keota City Hall – 225 E Broadway; Keota, Iowa 52248
Race Options: 5K or 1 mile Walk/Run. Medals will be given for top 3 finishers in each age group.
Cost: $20 per runner. All proceeds will benefit Keota’s After Prom program. Checks payable to Keota
After Prom.
Deadline: You can sign up until race day, but to guarantee a t-shirt, you must sign up by May 20, 2022.
Questions: Contact Denise Sieren at 319.430.5104 or Tomisha Sprouse at 641.636.2266.
Sponsors: We are excited and honored to partner with Washington Keokuk County Corn & Soybean
Growers as well as Elite Sports to bring you a fun and safe race! The first 60 runners will receive a
Washington Keokuk County Corn & Soybean Growers water bottle!
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