Fitness Sports

Couch to 5K in Iowa

Couch to 5K in Iowa
Group Runs in Iowa

Couch to 5K Training

Fitness sports is your go to resource for your coach to 5K training plan for your next 5k or your first 5K. Fitness Sports along with having coaching resources to help you reach your goal has Group runs in your community to offer support for your 5K training plan. 

Fitness Sports Coaching for Coach to 5K Program

Fitness Sports has a team of coaches that are here to support you along the journey of hitting your running goals! They have years of experience of helping athletes of any level reach their goal!

Meet the Coaches!

Coaching Services

Couch to 5k in Des Moines, Iowa

Lindsey Andrews is your local running coach for your Couch to 5k. Our coach to 5K training plan will help you run your first race. Our training plans will help you run Drake 5k; Des Moines Marathon 5K; Des Moines Women’s Half and many other local Des Moines 5K. 

Couch to 5K in Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Trevor Albert is your local Cedar Rapids Couch to 5K training coach. Trevor will be able to walk along side you to help you reach your goal of completing your first 5K in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 

Couch to 5K in Iowa City, Iowa

Tad Hulst is a former collegiate coach at the University of Iowa and here to help you accomplish your first Couch to 5K in Iowa City. Tad had a wealth of knowledge to help you run your first 5K in Iowa City. 

Couch to 5K in Ames, Iowa

Seth Kilborn is your Ames running coach. Seth Kilborn will be your personalized coach to help you run your first couch to 5K. Ames couch to 5K training program to help you Run for the Roses, Midnight madness or any other local 5K that you would want to run.