The Hawkeye 50K/25K/10M registration is opening in December 2021. With the 25K and 50K starting at 8am and the 10M starting at 7:45 am on April 9th, 2022
The Hawkeye 50K/25K/10M trail run around the scenic MacBride Lake in a counter clockwise direction.
The 10 Mile distance is an out and back along the north shore trail. All distances start at the Timber Dome Lodge located at (700 W Sovers St, Solon, IA).
From the start/finish you will run in a counter clockwise direction around the lake. The course will take you out the north shore trail, across the spillway, then navigate through the beautiful single track trails of the MNRA. You will exit the MNRA via Anglers point rd, then take road back into Solon and then head to Start/Finish line. The 50K is two loops, the 25K is one loop and the 10M event will head from the start/finish area and head down the beautiful North Shore Trail out 5 miles and then back again. There are four full service aid stations along the course, and one self serve water station.
Aid Station Locations are at:
Loop 1 Mile 2.5 (self service) / 5 / 8.5 / 12.5, and mile 15.5 (start/finish).
Loop 2 Mile 18 (self service) / 20.5 / 24 / 28, and start finish at mile 31.
10M will have a self service water station at mile 2.5 & 7.5 with a full service aid station at mile 5.
Hope you can join us for this amazing race.
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