Johnston MS XC '07 Girls 2 mile

Saylorville Lake, IA

Sept. 4, 2007

hot and sunny

Results by Michael

Boys results

Use the Find option of your Web Browser to find the performance of a specific individual or team.

NOTE: The first 2 girls ran 2 miles. The remaining runners, apparently, ran off the 2 mile course and ran the 4 km course.


  1   Johnston                 29    2    3    7    8    9   11   17   19:58      7:35
  2   Ankeny                   65    4    6   12   16   27   28   29   22:28      2:59
  3   Waukee                   77   10   13   15   19   20   24   26   22:51      1:37
  4   Se Polk                  82    5   14   18   22   23   25   30   23:04      2:27
  5   Dowling                 118    1   21   31   32   33             24:36     15:26


1. Johnston
    2  Bailey Eppard               14:10  
    3  Maren Monson                20:45  
    7  Alex Breiholz               21:35  
    8  Taylor Mithelman            21:37  
    9  Ali Perman                  21:44  
   11  Megan Davis                 22:16  
   17  Jenna Christensen           23:05  
Time = 1:39:49     Places = 29

2. Ankeny
    4  Alex Nissen-Pickard         21:14  
    6  Maggie Riley                21:33  
   12  Taylor Lang                 22:23  
   16  Nicki Keuck                 23:00  
   27  Allison Smith               24:12  
   28  Caprice Gilliam             24:54  
   29  Brooke Long                 25:04  
Time = 1:52:20     Places = 65

3. Waukee
   10  Emily Brush                 21:50  
   13  Monica Grewell              22:40  
   15  Shelby Klumpers             22:58  
   19  Taylor Stumberg             23:19  
   20  Carly Oosten                23:26  
   24  Tianna Berard               24:03  
   26  Brooke Denny                24:08  
Time = 1:54:11     Places = 77

4. Se Polk
    5  Kayla Sunvold               21:28  
   14  Allison Rogers              22:48  
   18  Hannah Olson                23:17  
   22  Natalie Potts               23:53  
   23  Ashley Armantrout           23:55  
   25  Lauren Solseth              24:04  
   30  Whitney Van Wyk             25:42  
Time = 1:55:20     Places = 82

5. Dowling
    1  Cici Hughes                 13:46  
   21  Cassie Shedenhelm           23:47  
   31  Danielle Mescher            27:55  
   32  Hailey Billings             28:22  
   33  Dani Bianchi                29:12  
Time = 2:03:00     Places = 118

 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM

    1     1  Cici Hughes                 13:46    Dowling
    2     2  Bailey Eppard               14:10    Johnston
    3     3  Maren Monson                20:45    Johnston
    4     4  Alex Nissen-Pickard         21:14    Ankeny
    5     5  Kayla Sunvold               21:28    Se Polk
    6     6  Maggie Riley                21:33    Ankeny
    7     7  Alex Breiholz               21:35    Johnston
    8     8  Taylor Mithelman            21:37    Johnston
    9     9  Ali Perman                  21:44    Johnston
   10    10  Emily Brush                 21:50    Waukee
   11    11  Megan Davis                 22:16    Johnston
   12    12  Taylor Lang                 22:23    Ankeny
   13    13  Monica Grewell              22:40    Waukee
   14    14  Allison Rogers              22:48    Se Polk
   15    15  Shelby Klumpers             22:58    Waukee
   16    16  Nicki Keuck                 23:00    Ankeny
   17    17  Jenna Christensen           23:05    Johnston
   18        Hailey Morris               23:07    Johnston
   19        Lisa Friesth                23:14    Johnston
   20    18  Hannah Olson                23:17    Se Polk
   21    19  Taylor Stumberg             23:19    Waukee
   22    20  Carly Oosten                23:26    Waukee
   23        Katie Newbury               23:33    Johnston
   24        Abby Dusen                  23:41    Johnston
   25        Madi Buckley                23:42    Johnston
   26    21  Cassie Shedenhelm           23:47    Dowling
   27    22  Natalie Potts               23:53    Se Polk
   28    23  Ashley Armantrout           23:55    Se Polk
   29    24  Tianna Berard               24:03    Waukee
   30    25  Lauren Solseth              24:04    Se Polk
   31    26  Brooke Denny                24:08    Waukee
   32    27  Allison Smith               24:12    Ankeny
   33        Molly Thuente               24:19    Johnston
   34        Sammie Hildreth             24:34    Johnston
   35        Kaci Schneiter              24:37    Waukee
   36        Megan Faley                 24:41    Johnston
   37    28  Caprice Gilliam             24:54    Ankeny
   38        Ellie Bunz                  24:57    Waukee
   39    29  Brooke Long                 25:04    Ankeny
   40        Jenny Walsh                 25:05    Ankeny
   41        Hannah Thayer               25:16    Johnston
   42        Kayla Linsheid              25:30    Johnston
   43    30  Whitney Van Wyk             25:42    Se Polk
   44        Sarah Mauch                 25:58    Ankeny
   45        Jackie Yount                26:03    Ankeny
   46        Gabie Grant                 26:03    Ankeny
   47        Molly Bramble               26:32    Waukee
   48        Sarah Purdy                 26:54    Ankeny
   49        Margaret Standish           27:07    Johnston
   50        Jessie Tindall              27:13    Johnston
   51        Mattie Kipp                 27:13    Johnston
   52        Katie Nelson                27:28    Waukee
   53        Taylor Metzger              27:30    Ankeny
   54        Katie Stych                 27:52    Ankeny
   55    31  Danielle Mescher            27:55    Dowling
   56        Margaret Chelsvig           28:02    Waukee
   57        Madelyn Short               28:04    Waukee
   58        Melissa Buehler             28:05    Waukee
   59        Madison Chicoine            28:07    Se Polk
   60        Kaitlyn Skinners            28:08    Waukee
   61        Ashley Sill                 28:10    Waukee
   62    32  Hailey Billings             28:22    Dowling
   63        Shari Jane Fieser           28:37    Ankeny
   64        Ashley Jensen               28:41    Ankeny
   65        Nicole Ackerman             28:43    Johnston
   66        Lindsey Pierick             28:48    Johnston
   67        Isabella Engblom            28:56    Johnston
   68        Alissa Shultz               28:58    Johnston
   69        Madison Boes                29:01    Johnston
   70    33  Dani Bianchi                29:12    Dowling
   71        Alex Flatness               29:13    Ankeny
   72        Logan Miller                29:15    Ankeny
   73        Kalyen John                 29:26    Ankeny
   74        Emily Lambertz              29:39    Ankeny
   75        Megan Frazier               29:42    Ankeny
   76        Caitlin Ingle               29:42    Se Polk
   77        Taylor Brown                29:51    Waukee
   78        Emily Glanz                 29:53    Ankeny
   79        Chelsey Julander            29:59    Se Polk
   80        Ella Gehrke                 30:13    Waukee
   81        Ellen Judge                 31:09    Waukee
   82        Erin Yocum                  31:10    Johnston
   83        Jordan Radke                31:22    Ankeny
   84        Kalli Bowers                31:31    Ankeny
   85        Marissa Shriver             31:32    Ankeny
   86        Darby Rourick               31:33    Ankeny
   87        Alex Tussing                32:34    Ankeny
   88        Helen Lagerblade            32:36    Johnston
   89        Michelle Hall               32:59    Johnston
   90        Meagan Wilson               33:17    Waukee
   91        Bailey Comegys              33:21    Johnston
   92        Brittney Bukener            34:11    Ankeny
   93        Kristina Linden             34:12    Ankeny
   94        Erin Selinger               34:14    Johnston
   95        Cassie Seaman               34:17    Ankeny
   96        Abby Williams               34:55    Waukee
   97        Vanessa Hodges              34:57    Se Polk
   98        Dainelle Grimm              36:47    Ankeny
   99        Kayla Macken                40:00    Se Polk


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